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A strange phenomenon is developing in the US state of Tennessee: The daily new cases is falling, but the daily COVID death rate hasn’t changed and the mortality rate has tripled.

The case mortality rate for the US has been steadily dropping. But not in Tennessee, where the case mortality rate was running at around 1.6% in September/October and has an overall case mortality rate of 1.45%, excluding open cases.
This is typical of the rest of the US. What’s NOT typical is that for the month of February, the case mortality rate suddenly TRIPLED to 4.89%, based on the 7 day moving averages of deaths per day and daily new cases.
I can’t imagine how this is happening. Especially as Tennessee leads the US in COVID-19 vaccinations.

One would have thought that with 244,539 completed 2-dose vaccinations in the state, mortality rates would be PLUMMETING not TRIPLING.
How can this be explained?
This article was originally published on and has been shared here with permission. You can view the original article here.

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If your case numbers (ie healthy people being diagnosed off of a PCR test) are falling but the same number of people are dying then that represents what was always happening with Covid, that only the unhealthy (those with 2.6 or more comorbidities) are the ones still dying and since perhaps most healthy people have stopped running out to get tested like silly sheep (and being counted as a case) then that makes the mortality rate amongst REAL covid cases appear to be increasing. So the number of deaths aren’t increasing but the RATE of death is because there are less healthy people mixed into the overall sample number.
That’s my interpretation of this data.
Robert! I don’t think you realized that the second chart (above) is actual deaths, not death rate, and actual deaths are continuing to rise dramatically, so your conclusion must be modified. Either the vaccine has a substantial effect on mortality or some other condition is countering any positive effect of the vaccine (if any). I would imagine some studious epidemiologists will uncover more detailed numbers that will implicate the vaccine, although there is not much difference (% fully vaccinated) between this state & the next closest, so what gives?
The safest way is to avoid the vaccine altogether is to take natural supplements to boost the immune system up. No vaccine is necessary. The vaccine is just an evil plot to kill off as many people as possible. And if you know someone who already got their doses and is still living without any health issues, just give it some time and see what happens to them. THESE VACCINES ARE KILLING PEOPLE! I wouldn’t take it even if they paid me to take it. Go natural… That’s the only alternative! 😉😎👍
he safest way is to take several safety precautions including an N95 mask worn properly, re-sanitized or de-contaminated and staying away from groups, bars, gatherings etc. This bio-engineered virus (at UNC, Chapel Hill) has so many gains of function that simply building your immune system is not enough.
Got any proof of this bioengineered virus from UNC? Otherwise this is just hot air, we need to stay critical as to find the real causes.
Youre 100% correct sir, Ive spent numerous hours around people including my wife that had covid and I wore no mask and I didn’t socialist distance and I am perfectly healthy, I was also tested 3 times after coming into contact with those people and my results were negative each time, I eat alot of horseradish raw on my food and dunk all of my food in olive oil and also eat a whole lemon a day, going natural boosting the immune system is the only way to go.
Oh and for everyone else on here the masks are BS, they do nothing except for provide good theatrics
And masks also cause more problems. Just like the Spanish Flu. People died from bacterial Pneumonia due to wearing masks. Look back on what flip flop Fauci had to say about that too.
This is all a ploy . It’s depopulation . It’s not a secret. Satan hates us because we are made in the image of God. It’s biblical look it up. People need to wake up. We take our freedom, we don’t ask. If we have to ask, we aren’t free.
I have not worn a mask once and I’m a hair stylist and I have had people in my face and no one wears them. We are all healthy and fine. I have had a few clients that got vaccinated and I’m praying there is away to reverse this poison. It’s so sad that people live in fear and don’t walk by faith. Listening to the media is bad for your health. It’s all propaganda..
Illegals from across our borders are being shipped into TN. These people are unvaccinated.
The tests are bogus and if people weren’t testing so often the cases wouldn’t be so high. This is the biggest scamdemic of our lifetime. Be proactive and take natural supplements, that’s key.
Have they started lowering the CT for the PCR test, which would necessarily result in less so-called “cases?”
I doubt any health authority will ever acknowledge any change in CT without a full blown legal Freedom of Information application. Not to mention that most testing is done by private labs, so they don’t need to respond to F.O.I. requests to government. Nice loophole, eh?
In Maury county, the free test for all has been greatly limited to Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are hardly any people, on Mon, Wed & Fri, at the Testing facility at the county health department because they limited it to adults only and you get your results in five days. And the test takes an hour to do. I went on a Monday and learned all of this and didn’t stick around to see how this test is even being administered. So, in our county, the testing rate has gone down.
Right around Inauguration Day the CDC said they “just” discovered the cycles were set way to high thereby causing false positives. This has been for the entire year that over cycling has been in play. So, I dare extrapolate that more than half, especially among asymptotic individuals, were false positives to continue induced fear. They have since “fixed” the testing issue by reducing the test cycles. And what do you know! Numbers are generally now on the decline.
Only for the people who got the jab ( I refuse to call it a vaccine be we all know it does not illicit an immune response) But for people that have NOT got the jab, the PCR is still up to 40 cycles. For the people that have gotten it, it’s down to 28 cycles to make it look like the unvaccinated are getting it. Pretty sneaky uh? ! SUM
The only logical assumption is the relationship between deaths and recipients of the vaccine has to be measured for efficacy of the drug. Continued deaths must be evaluated by type of treatment of COVID19 patients present and future COVID19 patients. The fact that contraction of COVID19 is declining is only a sign of the efficacy of mass immunization. There is still a 5 to 15% failure rate of the vaccine. We can expect contraction of COVID19 will continue for a short period of time . At lease until we reach some sort of saturation point.
You obviously aren’t familiar with how the experimental Polio vaccine played out. I assure you…these deaths are 100% from the untested unapproved vaccine which contains mrc-5, fetal tissue of a 14 week old baby, aluminum, and DNA changing m-RNA which attacks a protein in women sterilizing them. But no one is talking about that.
Add Polyetylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is a toxic anti- freeze add you find in your car´s radiator.
How can this be scientifically true! 😂??!! The jab does NOT stop a person from getting covid! It does NOT stop the spread of Covid! That statement is issued on the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AND on the CDC, s website. It only states that it “ MAY” reduce the symptoms. Go look for yourself. This jab does not even meet the CDC,s own definition or requirements of a “ vaccine “! So that my friend is impossible.
The current 2 Vaccines are said to be 70‐90% effective about 2-3 weeks after the 2nd shot, and that shot seems to be being delayed due to lack of enough doses available since they figure one dose is better than nothing. Despite a high vaccination rate, how many have completed both shots a few weeks ago?
So yes, there will be a 2-3 month lag between reaching some sort of herd immunity (whether by vaccine against 1or 2 proteins in the virus or light exposure and natural ‘full’ immunity to the wild virus) and death rate from COVID-19 going down.
‘Herd immunity’ basically means a lot of people are immune. Better diet and healthy living (thus strengthening the natural immune system) can cause it too.
% of those likely to be immune does not matter, as long as you, and those you care about, are in it!
Once again, that is completely and totally false! It states on the Pfizer Moderna Johnson and Johnson AND the CDC,s website that this jab( won’t call it a vaccine because it does not even meet the CDC,s own definition or requirements of a vaccine and does Not issue an immune response) does NOT stop the spread of Covid , and does NOT stop you from getting it! It clearly stated that it MAY minimize symptoms IF you get it. Don’t believe me look it up yourself. This jab does absolutely nothing for you except change your DNA and kill people. Don’t take my word for it check it yourself.. Have a wonderful day
If the death rate has tripled this month in February and the state Tennessee has the most vaccinations, could it be the vaccines killing them? The MSM would not tell the truth anyway.
Yes ! This is absolutely what’s happening. Not only is the vaccine killing people ( and conveniently being marked as a preexisting condition that caused their death ) but also that these variants they are talking about .. are actually the human body shedding the vaccine. Making something far worse for the unhealthy population! Never get this poisen , get some vitamins and eat real food !
Yet, the CDC repeated early on that they were being very “liberal” with the cause of death, meaning these deaths were in fact from preexisting conditions. They flagged every death as a virus death. They do not do that in influenza reporting. The death certificate will not state the flu as cause of death. You do not die of the flu. You die of the preexisting condition or the complications of the flu, such as pneumonia.
Let’s acknowledge that this “covid vaccine” is NOT a vaccine but a gene therapy it is an experimental mRNA designed for depopulation.
Here are the facts and our agency, as a public safety citizen training agency, has been 100% accurate in our projections since March, 2020. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are killing people and making them very ill. The FDA projected these adverse events then refused to connect those very events to the vaccines when they happened. Polyethylene Glycol, a petroleum based product, is toxic in a vaccine. And the worse part of the virus, the spike protein, has been placed in both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. The spike protein is what pierces and invades the healthy cell and reproduces the virus. So for every person taking those vaccines who has a compromised immune system, if the virus in the vaccines replicates faster than their immune systems can develop effective antibodies, they will develop full blown and infectious “Covid-19”. We have the largest database of facts, documents, proof and had evidence about the virus, the vaccine and the pandemic agenda in the United States. For more info, send an email info request to We deal in verifiable facts.
Great informatiion, please if you have more I want to learn !
My county turned many of the testing sites into vaccinations sites
and I have not been able to find a testing time slot to get tested for many weeks.
Less testing=More unidentified contagious people=More COVID cases=More deaths.
It seems that a chart of death rates for the other states would be useful to see if there is a correlation between their vaccination rates and death rates.
Also, what is the source for the death rate chart that was posted?
This week, Tennessee’s average deaths reported per day hit 76, the highest ever. The state’s weekly average positivity rate is 16.2%. As of Wednesday, a record-number 2,874 people in Tennessee were hospitalized for COVID-19, while the number of open ICU beds dipped to 8% and floor beds sat at 12% statewide.
Thanks for this information. I’m not taking the vaccine.
Well, Bill Gates said depopulation could be achieved through the use of vaccines. The major media tries to cover it up by not reporting the truth, as always. Here’s the truth. 1)The presence of antibodies in people who are not sick, means they caught COVID and their immune systems won the war. 2) The fact that previously healthy people who take the experimental COVID vaccine (that’s right, they’re all experimental), and then drop dead soon afterward, proves that the vaccine is working and Bill Gates was right. The depopulation holocaust is underway.
Isn’t it funny that when President Trump wanted to make it legal for dying people to take experimental drugs for a chance to stay alive, the leftwing crazies went ballistic, but now those same leftwing crazies want to force these experimental vaccines on everybody.
Don’t take any vaccines. God gave us immune systems, so we don’t need vaccines. If you take them, you will wind up sick or dead. Or both.
I have felt sick since the first covid vaccine. Now three weeks after the2nd injection I have pneumonia! I am healthy and my respiratory system has always been healthy. I had bronchitis once in myice after having the flu. Pulse ox is always 98+. I do not find this to be a coincidence.
I am sorry I got the vaccine.
I have felt sick since the first covid vaccine. Now three weeks after the 2nd injection I have pneumonia! I am healthy and my respiratory system has always been healthy. I had bronchitis once in my life after having the flu. Pulse ox is always 98+. I do not find this to be a coincidence.
I am sorry I got the vaccine.
This is basically genocide. It’s crazy that people do not see that is is not about a virus at all. THIS IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL. Stay strong friends. #justsayno